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​Meg is just trying to get by.



This whole adult thing is a lot more complicated than she thought and with a lot more baggage. She's worked so hard to get where she's at, and she feels like things are finally starting to click into place. Eyes forward, nose to the ground, that’s always been her philosophy. She's just been given an important project at work that she thinks will help catapult her career, her relationship with her two best friends has never been better, and the guy she's had a crush on forever is starting to show interest. On paper, everything seems to finally be going her way just the way she planned. Or has it?



Meg has always had a difficult time dealing with stress, she knows that's not exactly a secret despite how hard she's tried to conceal it. Shoving everything down and putting it away in a neat little box has been the only way she’s managed to get by. So, what happens when you have a closet full of skeletons and you've spent years sweeping everything under the rug, but there's just no more room?

The following topics are mentioned or discussed in this book:


Mental Health


Suicidal Ideation / Attempt




Parental Abuse (mentioned)

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